Pizza boxes

Paper & Cardboards
Food Waste & Organic


This is a paper or card


If this is from a frozen, home-cooked pizza the packaging should be clean and  should be placed in the household recycling bin.

If you had a take away pizza and the box is greasy or soiled then that box should be put in a food waste / organic waste bin. It should not be put into recycling, so if you do not have a ‘brown bin’ for food and other bio-waste, then the residual bin should be used for disposal.


Please make sure items are clean, dry and placed loosely in the bin.

Any food scrapings and pizza toppings can be put in the organic bin.

General Comment / Tip

Please note that if you have a frozen pizza, its box and plastic wrapping will be recyclable and should be placed in the recycle bin. No foody or greased up recycling please!