Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your waste

Face Coverings & Gloves

We all want to stay and protected so it is vital that we adhere to rules regarding face coverings while we are out using essential services. Please familiarise yourself with the HSE guidelines on where and how face coverings should be used in order to be most effective.

Once you have used these single use items they need to be disposed of correctly and safely

As an alternative to single use there are many different types of reusable face coverings available to purchase in many shops or online, if you choose this option please ensure that you follow the guidelines on usage and most importantly how they should washed.

Covid-19 and your waste

We know that these are tense times for us all but the authorities have put measures in place to slow the impact of the virus in Ireland to protect public health and keep us all safe. Please note that there will be some measures put in place when it comes to your waste, this will be for your protection and also for the protection of the staff members who will be collecting your waste.

Current Arrangements

We are currently in the intensive phase so there is some instruction as to how we should manage our waste, we are following advice and putting in place similar practices from other countries in Europe, these actions are in the best interest of us all and we all need to do it together.

During this phase we have all been advised to follow HSE guidance on waste while in self-isolation and social distancing. If you are showing no signs of symptoms we ask that you follow this advice [in the image above]:

  • present your waste at kerbside or where ever you normally leave you bins the night before the collection and
  • wipe down the bin handles before and after collections
  • anything which might be contaminated, as in any tissues or cloths you’ve used should be placed in the general waste bin

Civic Amenity Sites are open but some restrictions may apply during this time. Please check with your Local Authority for the most up to date information.

Civic Amenity Sites

Civic Amenity Site are a key component of household waste management in Ireland. Customers are encouraged to use Civic Amenity Sites in accordance with HSE guidelines on social distancing. Customers should only use Civic Amenity Sites for essential requirements at this time to ensure that the sites can remain open and functioning effectively.

How to manage your waste if any member of the household is self isolating or has tested positive for Covid-19

Please manage your waste in accordance with HSE guidelines, which are contained in the Covid-19 public information booklet. These are:

  • Put all your rubbish (waste), including an items which would normally be placed in the recycle bin or food waste bin, in a bin bag & tie when about two thirds full
  • Put this bin bag into a second bin bag & a tie a knot
  • Store the bag somewhere safe for 3 days & then put the bag into your wheelie bin for collection

Further details from the HSE available HERE

Be aware of the symptoms of Covid-19, Flu and Cold