
Hazardous & Medical


This may be hazardous, check the label


This should be brought to a designated drop off area or civic amenity site, check the map for details.


Non-hazardous paint can be donated for reuse via a number of household civic amenity sites. To maximise opportunities for reuse, the unwanted paint should be brought to those civic amenity sites before it becomes out of date or hardened.

Cans or tubs containing leftover paint should be brought to a local Civic Amenity (CA) site that accepts paint. Some CA sites have partnered with a local social enterprise to recycle paint. You can find out more about this here:

If there is a very small amount of paint in the tub/can you need to harden it before disposing of the tub/can in the general waste stream. To harden the paint you can buy a paint hardener, or add sawdust, sand or soil to the tin and leave the lid off until the paint becomes solid and dry.

Solvent based paint, paint thinner and white spirit should only be disposed of as hazardous waste at a CA site.

General Comment / Tip

Keep your paint in tip top condition…

When opening lids, do so carefully to avoid damaging the can sealing ring, protect the paint from frost and extreme temperatures as these can damage the paint. To stop your paint from drying out – ensure the lid is on securely and tightly; tip the container upside down for a few seconds (this will help stop a skin forming on the paint); store the paint containers in an upright position

Pass it on…
If you have unwanted paint, which is still usable there are several ways you can dispose of it. Ask family and friends – it might be perfect for a painting project they have in mind.